12 de janeiro de 2012

The Ramones (2003) End Of The Century (AVI Legendado - DVD)

In 1974 the New York City music scene was shocked into consciousness
by a band of misfits from Queens called The Ramones. Playing in a seedy Bowery
bar to a small group of fellow struggling musicians, the band struck a dissonant
chord that rocked the foundation of the '70s music scene. This quartet of
unlikely rock stars connected with two generations of outcast across the globe.
Although the Ramones never reached the top of the charts, they endured
in the face of fleeting success and crushing interpersonal conflicts by
maintaining a rigorous touring schedule for more than 22 years.
Tracing the history of the band, from its unlikely origins through its bitter
demise, END OF THE CENTURY is a vibrant, candid document of one
of the most influential groups in the History Of Rock.

The Ramones (2003) End Of The Century (AVI Legendado - 698 MB)

2 comentários:

  1. Tava caçando esse documentário e até q enfim o achei. Vlw!

  2. Eu tbm estava caçando, mas nao consigo fazer o download, só tem a Legenda disponível !
